10 September 2024: Gusty evening session

Friday 13 September 2024

Finally good WSW wind predicted: another evening sessions. Sailed with the Banzai 4.7 on the Wave Slate 96 with MFC 16/11 quad. Wind was very gusty, very often very strong, sometimes almost completely gone. It was tough, sometimes very hard gusts 30+ knots, other times standing still. Water from almost flat to more than 1.5 meters of waves. But despite the circumstances, nice sailing and had fun. [Read...]

09 September 2024: Short intense session

Friday 13 September 2024

Forecast was very good for a nice evening session at Brouwersdam south. Too bad the direction was NW and it was high-tide: the infamous shore-break. Sailed the Banzai 5.3 on the Goya One 95 with MFC 21/11cm Often beautiful and high waves. Wave riding with left foot front, little experience and front-side I can't go in that direction. Short session, still a bit tired from yesterday morning good wind again. Nice to ride wave left foot in front, I definitely need to practice more often. Waves were really nice and high at times. [Read...]

08 September 2024: Nice weather, but gusty

Monday 09 September 2024

Wind was predicted to be south, not my favorite direction, Sailed wit the S-Type 7.3 on the iSonic 111 with SL-X 43cm. Wind was gusty, but weather was still nice and warm. Was nice to surf after a long time. [Read...]

06 July 2024: Unexpected summer storm

Sunday 07 July 2024

Today Breda Live festival, but the bands before 18:00 were less interesting and the forecast with 30 to 35 knots was too tempting. Unfortunately I had forgot my smaller wave boards. Sailed with the Banzai 3.7 with Fanatic Grip 93, first with 18/10cm thrusters, later with 14.5/10cm quad set-up. Extreme strong wind! First impression of the Fanatic Grip 93 in these conditions is not bad. Thruster seems to give more controle than as a quad. Almost everyone found it impossible to sail or complained much harder than I did: it was really windy: 50+ kts gusts. [Read...]